Beautiful & Interesting Landscapes
Charlottesville, VA
A couple of locations in Charlotteville, VA provide a glimpse into Virginia’s lush floral landscape and a close-up of a flowering dogwood. Visit the Garden Club of Virginia Historic Garden Week website to plan a visit.
Hotel Hershey - Hershey, PA
Located in Central Pennsylvania, Hershey Hotel is one of the Historic Hotels in America. The Hotel sits at the top of the town of Hershey, surrounded by lush Pennsylvania woodlands featuring beautiful landscapes and gardens.
U.S. National Arboretum - NE Washington, DC
Established in 1927 by an Act of Congress. The Arboretum is administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service. The U.S. National Arboretum enhances the economic, environmental, and aesthetic value of ornamental and landscape plants through long-term, multi-disciplinary research, conservation of genetic resources, and interpretative gardens and exhibits.